Sunday, March 20, 2005

new work pros and cons

There definitely is no perfect job. I've been making a list of the cons of this new job. Now don't get me wrong, where I am is definitely better than where I last came from... but I do of course miss that place where I stayed for a year and a half. I am thinking of returning someday, bahala na where the tide takes me...

-skirt and stockings from Monday to Thursday
-work starts at 730am, and HR people need to go home a bit later than most to set an example (?)
-lunch is only for an hour
-no internet access for me because my department will not really need it (Damn!)
-salary only comes once a month (versus 15-30)

-car loan
-housing loan
-education loan
-free testing fees for insurance licensure exams
-20 sick leaves
-5 emergency leaves
-and a big big guaranteed bonus (mid-year and Christmas)

But all in all, I feel at home and the people are really nice.

Lalala... I should make the most of my time. I finally got my wish and am back in Makati.


Gabriel said...


interesting set up at your office :)
it's the first time i heard about payroll once a month
i've had twice a month (15, 30) and also weekly wages but first time it is once a month...\
is this regular in your industry? (insurance i'm guessing)

how many VLs are you given if you have 20 SLs and 5 ELs?

just curious btw wanted to chat with you about life-work in tina's but you didn't make it to finding neverland :(

moonpool said...

Western countries typically pay their employees once a month lang... eh since we're almost a hundred percent owned by a US-based corporation, we follow their system. :)

I think I have 15 VLs? But all those leaves only get credited after a year of service.

Anyways, see you on April 2 if the welcome summer party pushes through. :)